Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

kalimat/ pribahasa bahasa inggris bisnis 2#

1.  Singing From The Same Hymn Sheet
Bernyanyi dari lembaran syair yang sama
-      there is an operatic voice singing the music of the filler of the same lyric sheet
Talk the talk, walk the walk
Berbicara satu bahasa, berjalan seirama
in countries that can blend between people and their leaders talk talk,walk the walk in democratic life
The elephant in the room
Gajah di kamar
-      Elephant in the room noticed the open road is very busy, hewondered how to get through the street with its large but easily pass through
Pass to the monkey
Melewati kera
-      Pass to the monkey, this made us regain consciousness that we could not speak with him, this not had his difference with English, for the person who could be easy said, but for that could not they will be silent then.
All hands to the deck
Semua tangan ke geladak
-      All hands on deck, they will leave their disability, to the great changesthat are more meaningful

obstacles and expectation bahasa inggris bisnis 2#

1.    difficulties in learning English is about language structure andvocabulary are slightly different but means a lot to the Indonesianvocabulary but have a lot of their meanings.

First experience bahasa inggris bisnis 2#

1.    I know English since primary school, because at my age it isimportant in English teaching from primary school and I love learningEnglish.

when a junior high school English lessons in a more preferred because it can support our achievements in the world of work later, and therefore the English language should be a priority in the school.